The sheep placenta is the tissue responsible for the exchange of blood and nutrients between the mother and the fetus when the ewes are pregnant, and can produce a lot of active substances. The sheep placenta is the tissue closest to the human placenta in nature, so it can be well absorbed.

Sheep placenta extract is made from sheep placenta in three months of pregnancy. It is made into sheep placenta freeze-dried powder by ultra-low temperature double freezing process. It is rich in various amino acids, accounting, peptides, vitamins, trace elements and minerals. It has a repairing effect on human tissues and has the functions of delaying aging, beauty and beauty.


Functions of Sheep placenta extract

It has a very good retarding effect on skin aging. Sheep placenta can reduce the fine lines on the face, making the skin smooth, delicate and shiny!

It has a great effect on improving the body’s immunity. He can enhance the body’s functions and improve the body’s resistance, thus preventing various diseases caused by low immunity!

It is a professional anti-aging product, which contains active factors that promote the division of cells in the body, thus delaying the passage of youth from the roots!

First, busy work, insomnia, forgetting

It contains brain-enhancing elements and provides a variety of nutrients necessary for brain activity. It not only strengthens brain cell function, but also activates degenerating brain cells, so it can play a good role in insomnia and forgetting. In addition, attention to the health of the brain from the young age, but also to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Second, apply to menopausal syndrome

 Menopausal syndrome is mainly caused by insufficient secretion of female hormones, and in a sense is also an endocrine disorder. Modern treatments mainly rely on hormone supplementation in vitro, but it is generally considered to be unsuitable after 60 years of age. The human placenta therapy of Chinese medicine is now more replaced by sheep placenta extract.

Tired , lack of energy

The various characteristics of modern life are the main external causes of people’s exhaustion and exhaustion, while the internal factors are gas loss, malnutrition, and excessive accumulation of metabolites in the body. Sheep placenta is the bridge of this change, it can enhance the vitality of human cells, counteract the damage of free radicals in antibodies, and accelerate the excretion of metabolic waste in the body.

Male sexual function decline, women’s menstrual problems, lack of sexual desire.

People with frequent fatigue, neurasthenia, poor sleep, depression, and sub-health.

 The resistance is reduced, and people who are susceptible to illness are suitable.

The disease and the slow recovery after surgery apply.

Organ tissue dysfunction, endocrine disorders, cardiovascular system and other functional decline.

The sheep placenta is extracted from the hands of modern science, which is the “fetal placenta”, which is actually an extractant that completely removes the active ingredients from the sheep placenta and can be used in various cosmetics, medicines and health foods. From 1912 to 1980, many international life science scientists, such as Switzerland, Japan, and the Soviet Union, conducted a large number of research experiments on sheep embryos, completing the epoch-making technology from the discovery of sheep placenta to the realization of human youth through sheep placenta. dream.

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