About Rhodiola extract

Rhodiola extract is a natural extract obtained from the sedum plant, Rhodiola rosea, which has been refined, concentrated and dried. Very soluble in water, soluble in methanol, soluble in ethanol, insoluble in ether. More stable to heat.

Unique features

Enhance immune function

The rosavins stimulate the immune system through two pathways: one, through direct special stimulation of the immune defense: natural killer cells. Rhodiola rosea restores normal immune system by improving T-cell immunity. This shows that Rhodiola rosea extract can enhance the body’s resistance to the accumulation of toxicosis. Second, the body is not susceptible to pressure. Rhodiola rosea extract can also enhance B cell immunity by preventing inhibition of B cell immunity due to stress and fatigue.

Reduce depression

SAD is a seasonal depression, more common in the Nordic countries. In a public clinical trial to test the efficacy of Rhodiola extract in relieving depressive symptoms, 128 patients were given Rhodiola rosea extract. Rhodiola rosea extract effectively relieves or removes depressive symptoms in 65% of patients.

Protect cardiovascular

Rhodiola rosea extract can alleviate cardiovascular damage and dysfunction caused by stress. Rhodiola rosea extract prevents the contraction of the heart due to ambient pressure in the frozen state and contributes to stable contraction. Pretreatment with Rhodiola appears to trigger a beneficial adaptive response to this type of stress.

Effective antioxidant

Rhodiola has an effective antioxidant capacity. By limiting the adverse effects of free radical damage, it is effective against diseases caused by aging.

Improve body function

Like Siberian ginseng, Rhodiola extract is often taken by athletes to enhance body function. Although the mechanism is still not fully understood, it appears to improve muscle/fat ratio and increase blood levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

Anticancer activity

Taking Rhodiola rosea extract shows potential as an anti-cancer drug and may be effective when used in combination with several anti-tumor drugs.

Enhanced sexual function

In Russian and Far Eastern cultures, the use of Rhodiola extract for enhancing sexuality has a long history. In an open clinical trial involving 35 men with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or both, with 100-150 mg of Rhodiola rosea extract for 3 months, 26 of 35 patients admitted their sexuality. The function has been substantially improved

Improve memory

In a controlled placebo experiment on the effects of Rhodiola extract on intelligence performance, 120 people were employed for a proofreading experiment. Subjects were tested before and after taking Rhodiola extract or placebo. The records of the experimental group were significantly improved while the controlled group did not change. Members of both groups were continuously tested for their ability to complete proofreading tests within 24 hours of taking the extract or placebo. In the controlled group, the number of typos in the proofreading test was greatly increased, and the range in which the group taking Rhodiola rosea extract was reduced was much smaller.

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